Belgrade caves, canals, tunnels, passages and incredible stories

Underground Belgrade has always attracted tremendous attention since it hides more than one hundred caves, canals, tunnels, passages and incredible stories. History of underground Belgrade is in connection to various empires and states that have ruled over ages in this area. The tour Underground Belgrade will take visitors to the Roman hall where lie foundation of the main gate of the Roman fortress and Roman aqueduct and they will hear stories about Tito’s (former president of Yugoslavia) political games and spy secrets from the time of Communist Information Bureau.

As tour continues, visitors will travel into earlier centuries when Turks and Austrians ruled in this area. At the end, they will enter one of the underground canals from the time when Serbia finally became independent state and have a wine tasting to round up this adventurous journey through Belgrade past.
You will visit Roman Hall from 2nd century, Roman Well built by Austrians at 18th century, Army bunker – from the time of the Cold War after the World War 2, Big gunpowder warehouse from 18th century, secret tunnel beneath Kosancic Square and 3 mutualy connected wine cellars in a cave, from 18th century.

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Meetings & Events in Serbia.